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2019 Predictions for Storage and Security

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Now that 2019 has arrived, it’s a great time to pause and look ahead at what exciting developments there might be in store for the Internet of Things (IoT), data security, and storage. Make no mistake, 2019 will bring explosive growth in these areas. Here are some of our thoughts and predictions for the upcoming year.

Proliferation of IoT devices

The growth of the Internet of Things has only just started. It will be expanding faster than ever, bringing convenience and labor-saving gadgets into our homes – but also a lot of important things to consider, like “Who has access to my IoT devices?” and “Can bad actors cause harm through device manipulation?” Malware creators can remotely take over IoT devices without you ever knowing they’re there unless you take the right precautions. You can be sure that 2019 will bring ever more sophisticated attacks, especially through devices connected to a public cloud. It’s best to be an informed consumer and remain mindful of where you’re opening yourself up to risk – and how you can make wiser choices. For instance, always change default factory passwords on your devices, just to be safe.

Data security in the spotlight

People in the US are starting to grow increasingly distrustful of big tech companies. In Europe, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has brought a lot of changes to the Internet – as well as a few headaches for the average user who may be blocked from certain sites – but overall, it’s been a largely positive development from the perspective of data security. Companies must follow stringent guidelines for protecting users’ personal information, providing portability, and reporting on data breaches right after they happen. Otherwise they’ll have to pay unprecedentedly huge fines. Could a GDPR-like bill be coming to the U.S. soon? It seems very possible, especially since legislators are considering drafting one already. People, in general, are especially fed up with companies like Google and Facebook, who are currently mired in controversy nearly every week about their lax data security policies and continued betrayal of users’ trust. You can look forward to Big Tech doing their best to rehabilitate their image in the upcoming year, in an attempt to appeal to users who are now a little more enlightened about the risks of sharing so much data with companies who may not have their best interest in mind.

Data storage matters

In 2019, business leaders will also be considering the enormous role that storage plays in maintaining public trust – and consumers will be increasingly looking for secure solutions and transparency when they store their own data. But in the meantime, here are some ways you can take control of your personal data right here and now. And when it comes to long-term storage, your own personal hybrid cloud is one of those options that just makes sense. Store your data in the privacy of your home but keep the convenience you’ve come to expect from the cloud. Amber is one of the best things you can do for your own data security – without having to sacrifice privacy for convenience – and with some amazing bonuses to boot.

A mother, father, and child viewing photos hosted on an Amber device.

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