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CES 2024 Wrap-Up from Las Vegas

The LatticeWork team showing off VAISense at CES 2024 in Las Vegas, NV

As we return back to our headquarters in Santa Clara, CA, after a busy day of packing up our exhibit and meandering through crowded airports, we are excited about the many bright and enthusiastic faces that we met at this year's intrepid CES convention. Few people knew who we were up till now, and those that did, certainly didn't know us for edge AI solutions, so what were we doing there exactly?

LatticeWork took the opportunity to introduce our new platform, VAISense. VAISense is an end-to-end solution that gets the power of visual AI to solve business and public safety concerns. We provide every step: hardware, software, cloud, and remote support. Have an old security system that doesn't have AI capabilities? Just hook up our custom IPC to your camera array, and we can give those old cameras instant AI detection.

Edge is what makes the VAISense solution so unique compared to other companies. Up till now, the traditional method of processing AI involved sending video footage to the cloud that would process the footage with AI models (otherwise known as inferencing), then sending all of that footage back down to a device or computer. That method would increase latency, bandwidth, cost, and reduce the amount of privacy and security. Now, VAISense can do AI inferencing right at the edge, on a tiny computer that can sit next to a camera, or camera system. This creates absolutely no latency to detected information, and reduces the bandwidth to move data back-and-forth over the internet.

At CES, we were positioned in the Digital Health section, emphasizing our unique privacy value proposition, which are essential with requirements such as HIPAA (the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). Since video is processed at the edge, we don't even need to save that video or transfer it anywhere to make use of AI analytics. For example, let's say a patient were to fall in a hospital. Our camera AI could sense that fall and send alerts to staff to help that patient, as well as the specific spot they are located. However, because of privacy needs, none of that video needs to be seen or stored, and AI could process that fall without any data ever being seen by a human being, or being sent over the cloud. Privacy and security were a top concern by attendees visiting our booth, and we were able to alleviate their fears.

Showing off our edge inferencing speed.

We showed off quite a few AI models at our booth, including fall detection, occupancy monitoring, traffic detection, license plate recognition, retail hot spot detection, zone mapping, food counting, smoke and fire detection, PPE awareness (for uniforms and helmets), as well as a great live demo of our detection happening at the edge of passerby attendees. All of these models are being built upon as verticals for custom solutions that can help most any business or government institution.

Video crews talking about our solution were a common sight at the booth.

Finally, we met a LOT of developers who were chomping at the bit to get a hold of our API that we plan to release soon. This API will let developers release their own software onto any of our IPC devices through Docker and our managed storefront. Not only were developers excited to deploy using our hardware and cloud solution, but AI trainers were ready to deploy their unique models in an incredibly easy way, even partnering with us in some instances for unique solutions for clients.

We are super excited for the future of this platform, even booking a larger space for CES in 2025! This is just the beginning and we can't wait to show you more this year!

Some partners and clients alike checking out our exhibit!
A customer support engineer

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