Apple today announced their annual iPhone lineup upgrade, now a yearly event that has become somewhat of a tech holiday. September is no longer "back-to-school" month, or the beginning of fall. For many of us tech junkies, it's synonymous for "iPhone release month"!
Just like every year is a new number or letter designated to the new iPhone, there is also that same old gotcha moment where Apple will charge you a "phone tax", meaning, they will gladly charge you extra for every gigabyte they add to your phone capacity.
It makes sense, the number one filler of your phone storage is all those photos and videos you take with those upgraded camera lenses! And by the way, the iPhone 15 lenses look absolutely incredible, so you'll be taking even more high-resolution portraits and boomerang shots than ever. And how about that iPhone Pro Max model? It's a replacement for any DSLR you might still be using, and a lot easier to carry around! Macro lenses all the way up to 120mm lens lengths will have you shooting a gamut of awesome photos, and in RAW format too.
Take a look at this pricing chart for the latest iPhone 15 (regular version- not the MAX or PRO or PRO MAX+++). Starting at $799, you can have your phone hold 128 GB of data. For $300 more, you can have it hold 512 GB of data! That's a chunk of change to store what will most likely become the holder of your new photos of sunsets and a random cat video.
What's more, that $300 is about to multiply! How so? Well, when you start backing up those photos on iCloud, Apple has you locked in to their proprietary cloud system, paying subscription fees to all the data that your iPhone can't quite hold. That's EVERY month, and they'll try to make that FOREVER too! Once Apple has you locked in to their system, it's hard to get out....
Here at Amber Headquarters (LatticeWork, Inc), we make it a daily point to give you a great alternative to that Apple upgrade tax AND their subscription fees. We offer iCloud alternatives, the Amber X and the AmberPRO. What is great about Amber is that you can not only choose to backup your photos to your Amber from anywhere you have an internet connection, but you can also immediately delete them off of your iPhone, so that they don't take up space. Your photos will remain safe and sound on your Amber, wherever you have it plugged in (home, office, friend's house, etc.). As an added bonus, this whole procedure can be totally seamless and run in the background.
Want more space on your Amber? Simply add any hard drive to the USB port on the back and Amber will automatically add that free space to its system! We have customers who have added 12 TB RAID-enabled hard drives to their Amber X and it works marvelously.
In other words, say goodbye to subscription fees and to Apple tax (and Google tax too!). Simply grab an Amber X for the cost that you would have bought that upgraded iPhone data. It's like getting an Amber X for free!
Escape the subscriptions and privacy concerns of commercial clouds. Host your own with Amber and take back your freedom.
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