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VAISense Track

A hospital lobby with people being tracked to measure capacity.

Leverage AI to quickly identify individuals in the past, across cameras, and in real-time.

VAISense Track will revolutionize the way you monitor and manage video. Our comprehensive suite of AI-enabled capabilities enable you to compare faces, track individuals over time and across cameras, and identify pre-specified individuals in real-time.

  • Intuitive Interface: Merge duplicates, search by image upload, list matching incidents, mark occurrences on a timeline, generate VMS bookmarks and events, and create powerful reports in an easy-to-use interface.
  • Quick Configuration: The system is optimized out-of-the-box and does not require advance enrollment of faces. Expansion is easy.
  • Broad Compatibility: The software supports IP cameras, VMS, DVR, and NVR using the RTSP protocol. VAISense Track can enhance your existing setup almost instantaneously.

Watch the Demonstration

A laptop showing the app interface
A laptop showing the app interface

Usage Scenarios

VAISense Track is useful in a variety of scenarios to locate and track specific individuals, using real-time and previously recorded video. Easily cross-track subjects over an array of cameras to locate their position for protection of people and property.

A lost child is wandering

Missing Child

In your hotel property, a child opens their hotel room door while their parents sleep, and continues to wander the property. The parents wake in a panic, looking for their child and report the emergency to security. Security is able to upload a photo of the child, as well as locate the last known footage of the child. The most recent sighting of the child on camera helps to locate the whereabouts of the child.

A woman sits beside her bag in an airport

Lost or Suspicious Bag

At a busy airport, a bag is left behind on the dropoff curb. Using the integrated NVR controls, we can find the person last holding the suspicious bag, and reunite it with the passenger, or continue with an investigation.

A crowded entrance to a casino

Restricted Person

In your casino, there have been guests that have earned a blacklist designation. When these individuals enter the property, the system automatically sends an alert to security and follows the individual based upon their latest camera sightings.

A woman is seen in a warehouse alone with boxes

Asset Protection

An expensive item goes missing from a business, and an employee is suspected of stealing it. The Track system is able to follow that employee and their whereabouts at specific time intervals to either clear them of wrongdoing or investigate further, perhaps even catch them in the process of the theft.



Face Board

  • Update Frequency: Face Index updated every 10 seconds from real-time captured faces.
  • Video Source: Choose one or multiple real-time streaming image sources and select the desired date.
  • Daily Face Statistics: Display the distribution of the number of faces throughout the selected date, hour by hour.
  • Hourly Face Wall: Display detected faces every 10 minutes, merging identical faces to enhance personnel search efficiency.
  • Select Target from Face Wall: Choose suitable faces from the wall to add to the album or initiate an investigation.
  • Built-in 5 Albums for Watch Lists: Upload photos or store specified faces. Newly captured matching faces are marked on the face wall.


  • Select Video Source: Choose the video source for real-time captured faces and the time period.
  • Select Video File Source: Choose the video file (VMS Archive) source and time period.
  • Search Tasks: Simultaneously create multiple face-matching tasks and perform background searches.


  • Event List: List the source camera, time, and captured faces for matches
  • Event Video Footage: Capture video footage corresponding to matched faces, with a 10-second buffer before and after the face capture.
  • Event Timeline: Mark the video footage corresponding to matched faces on the timeline, which can be played sequentially.


  • Event Report: Generate a PDF report that outlines the reporter, date and time, subject, description, and the list of target faces in the incident.
  • Video Reports: Generate an HTML web page report with video, allowing direct viewing of the event report and playback of relevant video footage using a browser.
  • Save as Case: Store investigation results as a case for future reference.
  • VMS Bookmark: Export investigation results to VMS to create bookmarks for direct playback through VMS.
  • Review Case: Click on the case content that needs reviewing and replay relevant video segments. Save faces from the case to the album.
An AI support agent smiling

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Our team is standing by to answer your questions and help you revolutionize the way you do business with facial tracking AI.