VAISense Track

A hospital lobby with people being tracked to measure capacity.


VAISense Track 將徹底改變您監控和管理影像的方式。我們的全套人工智慧功能使您能夠比較人臉、追蹤不同時間和不同攝像機中的個人,並即時識別特定人物。

  • 直覺的介面: 通過簡單易用的介面合併重覆資料、以上傳圖片進行搜尋、列出匹配的結果、在時間軸上標記事件、生成 VMS 書籤和事件以及產生清楚的調查報告。
  • 快速設定: 系統開箱即可開始使用,無需提前註冊人臉,易於擴充。
  • 廣泛的相容性: 軟體支持使用 RTSP 協議的 IP 攝影機、VMS、DVR 和 NVR。VAISense Track 幾乎可以立即增強您的現有設置。
A laptop showing the app interface
A laptop showing the app interface


VAISense Track 可在各種情況下使用即時或從錄製的影像中來定位跟追蹤特定人員。 通過一系列攝影機輕鬆交叉比對追蹤目標,以保護人員和財產安全。

A lost child is wandering



A woman sits beside her bag in an airport


在繁忙的機場,有人將一個包包遺落在下車路邊。利用整合的 NVR 控制功能,我們可以找到最後拿著可疑包的人,並將其與乘客連結,或繼續進行調查。

A crowded entrance to a casino



A woman is seen in a warehouse alone with boxes


企業丟失了一件貴重物品,一名員工涉嫌偷竊。VAISense 追蹤系統能夠在特定時間間隔內追蹤該員工及其行蹤,從而為其洗脫罪名或進一步調查,甚至可能在盜竊過程中抓獲他們。



Face Board

  • Update Frequency: Face Index updated every 10 seconds from real-time captured faces.
  • Video Source: Choose one or multiple real-time streaming image sources and select the desired date.
  • Daily Face Statistics: Display the distribution of the number of faces throughout the selected date, hour by hour.
  • Hourly Face Wall: Display detected faces every 10 minutes, merging identical faces to enhance personnel search efficiency.
  • Select Target from Face Wall: Choose suitable faces from the wall to add to the album or initiate an investigation.
  • Built-in 5 Albums for Watch Lists: Upload photos or store specified faces. Newly captured matching faces are marked on the face wall.


  • Select Video Source: Choose the video source for real-time captured faces and the time period.
  • Select Video File Source: Choose the video file (VMS Archive) source and time period.
  • Search Tasks: Simultaneously create multiple face-matching tasks and perform background searches.


  • Event List: List the source camera, time, and captured faces for matches
  • Event Video Footage: Capture video footage corresponding to matched faces, with a 10-second buffer before and after the face capture.
  • Event Timeline: Mark the video footage corresponding to matched faces on the timeline, which can be played sequentially.


  • Event Report: Generate a PDF report that outlines the reporter, date and time, subject, description, and the list of target faces in the incident.
  • Video Reports: Generate an HTML web page report with video, allowing direct viewing of the event report and playback of relevant video footage using a browser.
  • Save as Case: Store investigation results as a case for future reference.
  • VMS Bookmark: Export investigation results to VMS to create bookmarks for direct playback through VMS.
  • Review Case: Click on the case content that needs reviewing and replay relevant video segments. Save faces from the case to the album.
An AI support agent smiling


